Last Ten Automated

Support Families with Winter Essentials

Don't Miss Laylatul Qadr

Automate Your Giving

Automate your Zakat and Sadaqah donations every day during the most blessed nights of Ramadan. By supporting vulnerable community members in Canada, including the elderly, single parents, refugees, and low-income families, you'll be making a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

night of power

Don't Miss Giving on the Night of Power

On the night that is better than a thousand months, your act of charity can be worth a lifetime of giving.

How it Works:
1. Click the button above to schedule your giving.

2. Split your donations across our different local giving campaigns.

3. Choose the length of your donation and how you want to split it.

4. Add your payment details and schedule your donations.

Your donations will be automated for each night to ensure you can earn the reward of giving on the Night of Power!

From our Clients

“Do you know how much I cried when I got the help from you. First, I thanked Allah and then I thank you. I am incredibly grateful to have a family like you. I was up all night praying for you and only slept after Fajr. May Allah give you strength, health, and happiness for helping people, and may He give you more.”

A Muslim woman smiling staring at the camera.
Your Zakat beneficiary
A young Muslim man sitting down and looking worried.

why local zakat?

Help Those Closest to You

Thousands of individuals right here in Canada are struggling to meet their basic needs on the daily. Every day, they’re met with empty fridges, piling bills and the impending threat of eviction.

That’s why they need your local Zakat.

When you donate to your Muslim brothers and sisters in Canada, you connect them with essentials like food, shelter and medicines that help them survive every single day.  

And when you donate to them in Ramadan, you follow the prophetic Sunnah of increased giving in the blessed month, while earning the duas of your vulnerable Muslim brothers and sisters on the best nights of the year.  

Let’s ensure our neighbours are taken care of this Ramadan and beyond.  

They need you to step up as their new community in Canada.

They need you to be their voice and their hope.

A young Muslim man sitting down and looking worried.
Zakat in the Qur’an and Hadith

“Indeed, We sent the Qur’an down during the Night of Decree And what can make you know what is the Night of Decree? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.”

Qur’an [97:1-5]
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Don't Delay Give Today

Your generosity will help us to continue making a positive impact in the lives of those in need. Click here to make your donation today and join us in creating a brighter future for all.