Zakat for Her,
Hope for All

Support Families with Winter Essentials

The Need for Zakat for Her: A Call for Change

Women are the fabric of our communities. Yet many are caught in cycles of hardship—single mothers, women battling illness, or those rebuilding after loss. Zakat for Her offers a lifeline, helping Muslim women across Canada regain their independence and build new lives.

Since 2013, NZF Canada has helped over 27,500 women in crisis, providing vital assistance to 654 women across Canada. These numbers are more than just figures; they represent real women whose lives have been changed. Every contribution, no matter how small, is part of a collective effort to rebuild lives, restore independence, and offer new hope for the future.

The Need

11.4% of Canadian women lived in poverty in 2023.


17.2% of families headed by single mothers live inpoverty.

(Statistics Canada)

Women are more likely to work in temporary or part-time jobs, which generally pay less than full-time jobs.


Our Response

$834,054 distributed towards women from all walks of life in 2023 alone.

$395,425 distributed for single mother households seeking stability.

654 women supported in 2023 with critical essentials they are otherwise unable to afford.

The Need

Our Response

11.4% of Canadian women lived in poverty in 2023.


$834,054 distributed towards women from all walks of life in 2023 alone.

17.2% of families headed by single mothers live inpoverty.

(Statistics Canada)

$395,425 distributed for single mother households seeking stability.

Women are more likely to work in temporary or part-time jobs, which generally pay less than full-time jobs.


654 women supported in 2023 with critical essentials they are otherwise unable to afford.

How You Can Help


Ensures she has water, warmth, and light, creating a safe space for her to thrive.


Provides a month’s worth of food, lifting the burden of hunger and bringing peace to her home.


Covers rent for a month, giving her a stable home to heal, grow, and rebuild her future.

Everything You Need to Know
About Charity Donations and Taxes
Does Claiming a charitable tax receipt on my Tax Return Cancel the Reward of My Zakat and Sadaqah?
How Does Charity Affect Your Tax Return?
How Do Non-Refundable Tax Credits on charitable donations Work?
Do Tax credit for Charitable Donations Vary Across Provinces in Canada?
Is the End of the Financial Year the Best Time to Give More?
Who Were the Ansaar?

The Ansaar (Supporters) were the inhabitants of Madinah who welcomed and supported the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and the Muhajirun (emigrants from Makkah). Their selflessness, generosity, and strong sense of community were instrumental in the establishment and spread of Islam.

Allah praises them in the Qur'an: "As for the foremost—the first of the Emigrants and the Supporters—and those who follow them in goodness, Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him." (9:100)

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said to the Ansaar: "You are dearest to me amongst people." (Muslim)

Let us strive to be like the Ansaar, always ready to extend a helping hand, foster community, and work together for the common good, seeking the pleasure of Allah in all that we do.

Who Were the ANSAAR

The Ansaar (Supporters) were the inhabitants of Madinah who welcomed and supported the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and the Muhajirun (emigrants from Makkah). Their selflessness, generosity, and strong sense of community were instrumental in the establishment and spread of Islam.

Allah praises them in the Qur'an: "As for the foremost—the first of the Emigrants and the Supporters—and those who follow them in goodness, Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him." (9:100)

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said to the Ansaar: "You are dearest to me amongst people." (Muslim)

Let us strive to be like the Ansaar, always ready to extend a helping hand, foster community, and work together for the common good, seeking the pleasure of Allah in all that we do.

When You Gave Zakat for Her

Our situation is about to get better as there is a new job I am getting ready for within the next couple of weeks.


Gaza Evacuee Supported by You

May Allah SWT grant you all your wishes in this world and the next for helping me in my most desperate situation. I purchased groceries which I would have had to purchase from credit card with 20% interest rate. Not only you helped me in desperate situations but prevented me from paying INTEREST. Jazakallah kheir.


Single Mother

Thank you so much for supporting me, I received the check yesterday. May Allah reward everyone who helped us.

Saba & Sameer

Refugee couple

Thank you for your attention and your support. Now I feel that I am not alone because I have you. You are my sisters and brothers.


Single Mother

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, I could put iftar on the table and buy some Eid clothes for my children, alhamdulillah, I don't know how to appreciate each one of you but may Allah bless each one of you and your families with Jannat al-Firdous. Ameen.


Single Mother of Four

Thank you so much. You remembered me at the right time when I was looking for it. May Allah give you everything you need. And accept your prayers and your soul. Ameen.


Single Father of Two

I have no better words to say than JazakumAllah Khair. Only Allah can reward you for this. And I promise you one day inshaAllah I will be able to donate much more than that. This is my promise to you and with myself. I will never forget that help and your trust in me. Alhamdulillah.


Widowed Mother of Three

Thank you for helping me and my family in this sensitive and difficult situation of my family life. I will never forget Allah’s favors on me first then your institution’s. May God Almighty allow us to become one of your supporters. Jazakom Allahu khayran.

Saad, Manahil, & Abeer

Refugee Family

A simple "thank you" or prayer for you is not enough to express my gratitude. You relieved my hardship and brought joy to my heart and my children's hearts. May Allah bring joy to your hearts, ease your affairs, and grant you goodness in this world and the Hereafter. May Allah open doors for you as you have relieved our worries, O Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. You have proven that the world is still full of goodness, and all praise is due to Allah. My son and daughter pray for your well-being and peace of mind.


Single Mother

I can’t thank you enough. I still think I am dreaming. Miracles do happen. I really appreciate how you’ve helped me


Gaza Evacuee Supported by You

Alhamdollelah by the grace of Allah and the help of you all, I was able to pay off all my debt and my overdue payment. Jazakallah! I will do my part for others wherever I can.


Single Mother

May Allah reward you with all goodness. May Allah heal your hearts with a healing that astonishes both the people of the earth and the heaven.

Saba & Sameer

Refugee couple

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, I could put iftar on the table and buy some Eid clothes for my children, alhamdulillah, I don't know how to appreciate each one of you but may Allah bless each one of you and your families with Jannat al-Firdous. Ameen.


Single Mother

I can’t thank you enough. I still think I am dreaming. Miracles do happen. I really appreciate how you’ve helped me


Gaza Evacuee Supported by You

Alhamdollelah by the grace of Allah and the help of you all, I was able to pay off all my debt and my overdue payment. Jazakallah! I will do my part for others wherever I can.


Single Mother

May Allah reward you with all goodness. May Allah heal your hearts with a healing that astonishes both the people of the earth and the heaven.

Saba & Sameer

Refugee couple

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, I could put iftar on the table and buy some Eid clothes for my children, alhamdulillah, I don't know how to appreciate each one of you but may Allah bless each one of you and your families with Jannat al-Firdous. Ameen.


Single Mother

I can’t thank you enough. I still think I am dreaming. Miracles do happen. I really appreciate how you’ve helped me


Gaza Evacuee Supported by You

Alhamdollelah by the grace of Allah and the help of you all, I was able to pay off all my debt and my overdue payment. Jazakallah! I will do my part for others wherever I can.


Single Mother

May Allah reward you with all goodness. May Allah heal your hearts with a healing that astonishes both the people of the earth and the heaven.

Saba & Sameer

Refugee couple

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, I could put iftar on the table and buy some Eid clothes for my children, alhamdulillah, I don't know how to appreciate each one of you but may Allah bless each one of you and your families with Jannat al-Firdous. Ameen.


Single Mother

I can’t thank you enough. I still think I am dreaming. Miracles do happen. I really appreciate how you’ve helped me


Gaza Evacuee Supported by You

Alhamdollelah by the grace of Allah and the help of you all, I was able to pay off all my debt and my overdue payment. Jazakallah! I will do my part for others wherever I can.


Single Mother

May Allah reward you with all goodness. May Allah heal your hearts with a healing that astonishes both the people of the earth and the heaven.

Saba & Sameer

Refugee couple

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, I could put iftar on the table and buy some Eid clothes for my children, alhamdulillah, I don't know how to appreciate each one of you but may Allah bless each one of you and your families with Jannat al-Firdous. Ameen.


Single Mother

I can’t thank you enough. I still think I am dreaming. Miracles do happen. I really appreciate how you’ve helped me


Gaza Evacuee Supported by You

Alhamdollelah by the grace of Allah and the help of you all, I was able to pay off all my debt and my overdue payment. Jazakallah! I will do my part for others wherever I can.


Single Mother

May Allah reward you with all goodness. May Allah heal your hearts with a healing that astonishes both the people of the earth and the heaven.

Saba & Sameer

Refugee couple

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, I could put iftar on the table and buy some Eid clothes for my children, alhamdulillah, I don't know how to appreciate each one of you but may Allah bless each one of you and your families with Jannat al-Firdous. Ameen.


Single Mother

I can’t thank you enough. I still think I am dreaming. Miracles do happen. I really appreciate how you’ve helped me


Gaza Evacuee Supported by You

Alhamdollelah by the grace of Allah and the help of you all, I was able to pay off all my debt and my overdue payment. Jazakallah! I will do my part for others wherever I can.


Single Mother

May Allah reward you with all goodness. May Allah heal your hearts with a healing that astonishes both the people of the earth and the heaven.

Saba & Sameer

Refugee couple

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, I could put iftar on the table and buy some Eid clothes for my children, alhamdulillah, I don't know how to appreciate each one of you but may Allah bless each one of you and your families with Jannat al-Firdous. Ameen.


Single Mother

Join the Movement

When you give Zakat for Her, you support a Muslim woman's well-being, ensure her basic needs are met, and open doors to new opportunities for growth and independence.

Donate Now

Your donations will be directed to Zakat for Her. In the case of any excess funds, they will be directed to wards supporting eligible beneficiaries as most urgently needed.