House Our Neighbours

Local Giving, National Impact

Support Families with Winter Essentials

Housing insecurity is a growing crisis in Canada. Rising costs and limited support leave many families, including seniors, newcomers, and people with disabilities, on the brink of homelessness. Our House Our Neighbours program offers critical housing support to vulnerable families, providing a lifeline when they need it most.

The Growing Housing Crisis

Rising costs and limited resources are pushing vulnerable communities to the brink of housing instability, with 1 in 4 Canadians spending more than 30% of their income on housing. (Stats Can)  

43% of Canadians with disabilities

A redeeply concerned about housing affordability, with limited options to meet their needs.
(Stats Can)

7.6 million seniors

In Canada face housing instability, as fixed incomes leave little room for rising costs.

43% of recent immigrants

reported finding it difficult or very difficult to meet their financial needs, making housing affordability an even greater challenge.
(Stats Can)

The statistics paint a grim picture, but together, we can change the narrative.

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Layla’s Story

Layla Ahmed, a 56-year-old domestic violence survivor, faced eviction with her three sons in Ottawa. Despite being employed full-time, a workplace injury left her on sick leave and struggling to make ends meet.

With nowhere to turn, Layla was referred to National Zakat Foundation through her local mosque. With your support, we were able to provide her with her essential needs, including food assistance and rental support.

Your generosity saves people like Layla from eviction and helps them rebuild their lives.

Who Were the ANSAAR

The Ansaar (Supporters) were the inhabitants of Madinah who welcomed and supported the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and the Muhajirun (emigrants from Makkah). Their selflessness, generosity, and strong sense of community were instrumental in the establishment and spread of Islam.

Allah praises them in the Qur'an: "As for the foremost—the first of the Emigrants and the Supporters—and those who follow them in goodness, Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him." (9:100)

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said to the Ansaar: "You are dearest to me amongst people." (Muslim)

Let us strive to be like the Ansaar, always ready to extend a helping hand, foster community, and work together for the common good, seeking the pleasure of Allah in all that we do.

How You Can Help


Provides emergency housing support for a family in need for a month.


Helps secure a deposit or first month’s rent for a family transitioning into stable housing.


Supports a family’s full month of rent, ensuring they have a safe and stable home.

Join the Circle of Giving

Every donation to House Our Neighbours provides vulnerable families like Layla’s with essential support to overcome housing insecurity. Your local giving creates a national impact, ensuring families across Canada regain stability and dignity.

Your donations will be directed to House our Neighbours. In the case of any excess funds, they will be directed to wards supporting eligible beneficiaries as most urgently needed.