Feed Our Neighbours

Local Giving, National Impact

Support Families with Winter Essentials

Food insecurity is a growing issue for millions of Canadians across the nation. Without access to sufficient, nutritious meals, families can't focus on their futures. This Ramadan 2025, support those closest to you through the Feed Our Neighbours program.

The Inflation Crisis

Rising costs and limited incomes have left families across Canada struggling to put enough nutritious food on the table.

43% of Canadians with disabilities

2 million monthly visits to food banks in Canada in 2024, a 90% increase since 2019
(Hunger Count 2024)

7.6 million seniors

33% visits to food banks each month are from children
(Hunger Count 2024)

43% of recent immigrants

3x higher food insecurity in single parent households as compared to others
(Statistics Canada)

The statistics paint a grim picture, but together, we can change the narrative.

Donate Now

How You Can Help

With Feed our Neighbours, you can continue to support vulnerable families with grocery gift cards, meal kits, and more, ensuring everyone in our community has access to the nourishing meals necessary for their well-being.


Provide grocery essentials for a family for a week


Provide grocery essentials for a family for a month


Provide grocery essentials for a family for 3 months

Amina’s Story

Amina’s family of four faced a crisis. After her husband’s two open-heart surgeries left him unable to work, their daughter was diagnosed with kidney failure. Amina juggled caregiving and mounting bills, and things worsened when they lost their home and had to move. 

When Amina reached out to NZF, she had nothing left to feed her family. Because of your belief in local giving, Amina and her family received the food support they needed to protect their well-being.  
Your local giving changes lives.

Who Were the ANSAAR

The Ansaar (Supporters) were the inhabitants of Madinah who welcomed and supported the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and the Muhajirun (emigrants from Makkah). Their selflessness, generosity, and strong sense of community were instrumental in the establishment and spread of Islam.

Allah praises them in the Qur'an: "As for the foremost—the first of the Emigrants and the Supporters—and those who follow them in goodness, Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him." (9:100)

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said to the Ansaar: "You are dearest to me amongst people." (Muslim)

Let us strive to be like the Ansaar, always ready to extend a helping hand, foster community, and work together for the common good, seeking the pleasure of Allah in all that we do.

Your Impact

SINCE 2013

Distributed in Food Assistance
People Supported Across Canada


Zakat & Sadaqah Distributed
People Supported
Applications Processed