Olivia Rhye
April 16, 2021
Date: Sunday, April 18, 2021 | Time: 2 PM (PDT) / 5 PM (EDT) لأول مرة، يسرنا، مؤسسة الزكاة، أن نجلب للجمهور الناطق باللغة العربية محاضرة عبر الويب عن أهمية الزكاة كركن من اركان الإسلام
Date: Sunday, April 18, 2021 | Time: 2 PM (PDT) / 5 PM (EDT)
لأول مرة، يسرنا، مؤسسة الزكاة، أن نجلب للجمهور الناطق باللغة العربية محاضرة عبر الويب عن أهمية الزكاة كركن من اركان الإسلام
ويسرنا أن نستضيف الشيخ
حسن شباني
وهو المستشار الشرعي لمؤسسة الزكاة ومن رواد مجال التمويل الإسلامي المعاصر
. وتشمل المواضيع ما يلي:
1- أهمية الزكاة
2-معاني كلمة زكاة
3- شروط وجوب الزكاة
4- كيفية حساب الزكاة
5- زكاة الذهب والمجوهرات
6- زكاة العقارات
7- زكاة صناديق التقاعد والتوفير للأطفال
8- زكاة الأسهم
9- مفاهيم خاطئة حول بعض أحكام الزكاة
Imam Shuaib Mansoori Shaykh Hacene Chebbani
Shuaib Mansoori is a Regional Development Manager for National Zakat Foundation where he is focused on making Zakat services more accessible and developing various educational materials. He is also a public speaker, regular khateeb at Masaajid across the GTA, has appeared on various TV shows, mentors youth, and does life coaching. His many lectures in both English and Urdu can be found online on Instagram (@imamshuaibmansoori) and YouTube.
Shaykh Hacene Chebbani graduated in Sharīah (BA) from the Islamic University of Madinah in 1993. While there he took the opportunity to study Aqīdah, Fiqh and Hadīth with some of the notable scholars of the blessed city. He went on to complete his Master's in Islamic finance from the UK in 2012. In Canada, Sheikh Hacene has worked in Islamic schools teaching the Arabic language and Islamic studies and has served as Sharīah consultant and headteacher for many years. Sheikh Hacene is currently an Imam in Calgary where he gives regular classes, counselling, and leading prayers. He is also a Sharīah advisor to National Zakat Foundation in Canada.
Partnering Organization: Islamic Information Society of Calgary (IISC)
Date: Sunday, April 18, 2021 | Time: 2 PM (PDT) / 5 PM (EDT)
لأول مرة، يسرنا، مؤسسة الزكاة، أن نجلب للجمهور الناطق باللغة العربية محاضرة عبر الويب عن أهمية الزكاة كركن من اركان الإسلام
ويسرنا أن نستضيف الشيخ
حسن شباني
وهو المستشار الشرعي لمؤسسة الزكاة ومن رواد مجال التمويل الإسلامي المعاصر
. وتشمل المواضيع ما يلي:
1- أهمية الزكاة
2-معاني كلمة زكاة
3- شروط وجوب الزكاة
4- كيفية حساب الزكاة
5- زكاة الذهب والمجوهرات
6- زكاة العقارات
7- زكاة صناديق التقاعد والتوفير للأطفال
8- زكاة الأسهم
9- مفاهيم خاطئة حول بعض أحكام الزكاة
Imam Shuaib Mansoori Shaykh Hacene Chebbani
Shuaib Mansoori is a Regional Development Manager for National Zakat Foundation where he is focused on making Zakat services more accessible and developing various educational materials. He is also a public speaker, regular khateeb at Masaajid across the GTA, has appeared on various TV shows, mentors youth, and does life coaching. His many lectures in both English and Urdu can be found online on Instagram (@imamshuaibmansoori) and YouTube.
Shaykh Hacene Chebbani graduated in Sharīah (BA) from the Islamic University of Madinah in 1993. While there he took the opportunity to study Aqīdah, Fiqh and Hadīth with some of the notable scholars of the blessed city. He went on to complete his Master's in Islamic finance from the UK in 2012. In Canada, Sheikh Hacene has worked in Islamic schools teaching the Arabic language and Islamic studies and has served as Sharīah consultant and headteacher for many years. Sheikh Hacene is currently an Imam in Calgary where he gives regular classes, counselling, and leading prayers. He is also a Sharīah advisor to National Zakat Foundation in Canada.
Partnering Organization: Islamic Information Society of Calgary (IISC)