Achieving Dignity With Diligence

Zakat. An Act of Faith.

Allah (SWT) has established Zakat as a financial Ibadah (act of worship). Fulfilling your Zakat obligation with diligence brings dignity to the Muslim Ummah and to your Muslim neighbours.

Cost of Living

Pushing The Vulnerable to a Breaking Point

As the cost of living skyrockets, our brothers and sisters are being forced to choose between paying rent and feeding their families.

In 2021, 5.8 million people across Canada were living with insecure or inadequate access to food1

7 million Canadians reported going hungry at least once between March 2020 and 20222

23% of Canadians reported eating less than they needed to because they did not have enough money for groceries3

[1] Canadian Public Health Association, [2] Maclean's, [3] Food Banks Canada

The urgency cannot be overstated.

Your act of faith can help keep the vulnerable in our community afloat amidst the rising expenses. Over the past 10 years, your support has made a tangible difference:

  • We’ve helped 34,500 people across Canada
  • Distributed over $4.2 million towards food, housing, debt relief and other community programs last year

Your Zakat enables our brothers and sisters to live with dignity.

See How You Can Help

What Will Your Support Provide?

Establishing a Dignified and Unified Community

Your Support Matters

At NZF Canada, we believe in the transformative power of Zakat, especially during a time when cost of living has increased drastically.

When you choose to give, you're not just donating; you're fulfilling your obligation and making an immediate, life-changing difference in the lives of your brothers and sisters in need.


7,331+ Stories to Tell

This is how you’ve impacted the lives of your Muslim brothers and sisters over the years.
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A simple "thank you" or prayer for you is not enough to express my gratitude. You relieved my hardship and brought joy to my heart and my children's hearts. May Allah bring joy to your hearts, ease your affairs, and grant you goodness in this world and the Hereafter. May Allah open doors for you as you have relieved our worries, O Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. You have proven that the world is still full of goodness, and all praise is due to Allah. My son and daughter pray for your well-being and peace of mind.

A mother helped with essentials for her children

Thank you for your attention and your support. Now I feel that I am not alone because I have you. You are my sisters and brothers.

Single Mother Who Received Food Support

Single Mother Who Received Food Support

Our situation is about to get better as there is a new job I am getting ready for within the next couple of weeks. Your organization was of critical help at a very sensitive time in our lives due to the war in Palestine. Our lives are much better now and we feel we are going to be stable soon.

Gaza Evacuee Supported by You

Read more stories

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to the people. And the most beloved deed to Allah is to make a Muslim happy, or to remove one of his troubles, or to forgive his debt, or to feed his hunger.”


Your Zakat Questions, Answered

Learn more about applying for Zakat with National Zakat Foundation Canada
Learn about Zakat
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Still Have Questions?

If you have a question that is not answered here, please feel free to contact us for more information or read our knowledge base below.