August 8, 2022
Hanging by a Thread: Anum's Story

Raising kids is a massive responsibility and having to do it as a single parent without any support from family is both physically and mentally draining. As a single mother of four children, Anum* struggled to make ends meet, especially with the rising costs of food, shelter and essentials in Canada.
Despite her struggles, she was determined to enroll in school in order to give her children a better life and fulfil their needs.
Unfortunately, a setback threatened to derail her plans for a better life. Anum was unaware that once her student aid funding was released, her welfare support would no longer be available to her. Welfare was a stable and predictable support she heavily relied on, without which she was no longer able to provide essentials for herself or her children.
Due to the stigma around being a single mother, Anum was reluctant to seek help. She was certain that “no one helps single mothers because they are always looked down upon.”
Drowning in financial hardship, she gathered the courage to ask for assistance. She contacted National Zakat Foundation with the hope of receiving food assistance, so she wouldn’t have to worry about her children going to bed hungry each night.
Anum truly saw the power of Zakat and Sadaqah change her life. Through the NZF Feeds Program, she immediately received fresh, high-quality foods, including halal meat, and food gift cards. Additionally, NZF provided her with rental assistance to ensure a stable shelter for her and her children.
With the help of your Zakat and Sadaqah, Anum can concentrate on her education, secure a part time job to pay all other bills, and strive to achieve her dream of an independent life!
Donate today to provide support for single mothers, like Anum, in our community and uplift them to lead fulfilling lives with your Zakat and Sadaqah!
*Disclaimer: The images and names used are not of actual NZF beneficiaries. Some details have been changed to maintain privacy and respect of our beneficiaries.
To apply for assistance, click here.
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